
Showing posts from October, 2011

Competitive Marketing

In this age of declining customer loyalty, some areas that a marketing manager needs to focus can be put as follows:- ·          Marketing needs to lead in substantial or transformational innovation that will result in new offerings that will define new categories or subcategories ·          Marketing should own customer insights as driver of strategy which should enable growth initiatives and be the basis for strategic resource allocation ·          Value proposition needs to be the centerpiece of business strategy ·          Marketing should own brand strategy which should both inform and enable the business strategy ·          Marketing needs to get control of the product, country, and functional silos to foster cooperation and communication rather than competition and isolation ·          Marketing needs to inject energy and involvement into their brands ·          Marketing needs to be elevate its game tactically . With the fragmentation of the media options, the dynamics of

Simple ways to solve customer issues

·          Customers hate having to return when their issue isn’t resolved. So, focus should be on instant solution to current issue. ·          Complaints of customers should be utilized for service improvement. Feedback from disgruntled customers should be utilized to determine the biggest pain points. Reach out to unsatisfied customers and find out what can be done differently. ·          Don't reward speed over quality. Measures such as "average call time" encourage reps to get off the phone quickly rather than fully addressing customer concerns.

Aligning Technology with Strategy

Following points need to be taken care while taking decisions on technology for the organisation:- ·          Clarify corporate strategy with your IT department. ·          Fund only IT projects that support your strategy. ·          Transform IT investments into profits. ·          Build one technology platform for your entire organization. ·          Adopt new technologies only when their best practices are established. ·          Use analytics to make smart decisions at all levels of your company. ·          Integrate social media into your business. Source: HBR

RIP Steve Jobs

One of the world's great entrepreneurs who transformed the worlds of personal computing, music and mobile phones and gave the world iPod, iPhone and iPad ...

Best Feedback Questions

What should I stop doing? What should I keep doing? What should I start doing? These questions are applicable for customer service as well as individual understanding.

12 Signs of a Great Boss

You get genuine pleasure from helping others do their best work; you measure your own success by theirs. You don’t treat everyone the same. You know your people well enough to manage them as individuals. You understand that your title gives you power, but intelligence and integrity give you influence, which is invaluable. Your feedback is specific, sincere and constructive. People know where they stand with you. More than a few people on your team have saved notes of praise you’ve sent them. Your words carry that much impact. Your constructive response to mistakes and problems leads people to feel they can safely bring you bad news, when necessary. You communicate your plans and goals clearly, and people understand their roles and responsibilities as members of your team. You hire people smarter than you are and aren’t intimidated by their knowledge. You can look out your office door and see your replacement. Your staff members feel ownership of ideas and initiatives, even thos