
Showing posts from August, 2011

The One Minute Manager

“The One Minute Manager” is a quick read with clear and straightforward ideas presented in the book. The key to success of One Minute Manager are as follows:- 1.       One Minute Goal ·          Agree on goals ·          See what good behaviour looks like ·          Write out each of the goals on a single sheet of paper using less than 250 words ·          Read and re-read each goal, which requires only a minute. ·          Take a minute every once in a while to look at performance ·          See whether or not behaviour matches goal 2.       One Minute Praising ·          Tell people up front that you are going to let them know how they are doing ·          Praise people immediately ·          Tell people what they did right—be specific. ·          Tell people how good you feel about what they did right, and how it helps the organisation and the other people who work there ·          Stop for a moment of silence to let them “ feel ” how good you feel ·          Encourage them to do m

The Monk who sold his Ferrari

“The Monk who sold his Ferrari” is a story on how to live a simple life with greater balance, strength, courage and abundance of joy. Julian Mantle, a very successful lawyer was the epitome of success. Suddenly he has to come in terms with unexpected effects of his unbalanced lifestyle. Julian Mantle, the great lawyer collapses in the courtroom, sweating and shivering. His obsession with work has caused this heart attack. The last few years Julian had worked day and night without caring about his mental and physical health. One fine day he quit his law firm and took off without saying where he was headed. Three years passed without any news from Julian. One day he paid a visit to his friend and former colleague John. Julian, in the past three years, has miraculously transformed into a healthy man with physical vitality and spiritual strength. Julian explains his experiences with Yogi Raman and describes the seven virtues of enlightened living:- Master our Mind Cultivate mind - it will

"The Go Getter" - By Peter B. Kyne

I came across this book and found it highly inspiring in such a short length.   It offers advice on meeting goals, learning from experience, asking the right questions, and tackling tough projects with unflagging zeal. The book is about how a person most likely to fail in a quest succeeds and exceeds expectations by never letting other people's prejudices stand on his way. The story is about an old lumber company founder, Cappy Ricks, and a young World War I veteran, Bill Peck, who comes to the old captain of industry for a job. The assignment given by Cappy Ricks to   Bill Peck and the way Peck accomplishes it fighting different hurdles is inspiring. I love the words "It shall be done". Peck overcomes outrageous obstacles with his persistence, determination, passion and a giant sense of responsibility. Peck epitomizes the employee who is able to surpass expectations and join the ranks of leadership through undaunted effort. I recommend this book to everyone.