
Showing posts from June, 2012

Yes or No - The Guide to Better Decisions – Dr. Spencer Johnson

Managers and employees burdened by indecisiveness and frustrated with their poor decision-making skills will find solace in this guidebook from the bestselling author of The One Minute Manager. Its way over simplified but gives some solid advice and good lessons. It is a story about a young man who embarks on a hiking trip with a group of others.  They use this hike to reflect on their decisions and analyze how they could have made better decisions. The Yes or No system lets you ·          focus on real needs, versus mere wants ·          create better options ·          see the likely consequences of choices ·          identify and then use your own integrity, intuition, insight to gain peace of mind, self-confidence and freedom from fear

The Immortals of Meluha

I don’t remember when the last time I got so hooked on to any book was. ' The Immortals of Meluha' is the first book of Shiva Trilogy series written by Amish Tripathi . . It’s actually a mythological story but presented as fiction with its own share of thriller, romance and action. I mean the way author has presented this story is absolutely commendable. The story is set in the land of Meluha and begins with the arrival of the Tibetan tribal Shiva. The Meluhan belief that Shiva is their fabled saviour Neelkanth, is confirmed when he consumes the Somras, a legendary healing potion, which turns his throat blue. Shiva decides to help the Meluhans in their war against the Chandravanshis, who had joined forces with a cursed group called Nagas. However, in his journey and the resulting fight that ensues, Shiva learns how his choices actually reflected who he aspires to be and how it led to dire consequences. Using the same characters, places and names which are associated with

Corporate Chanakya

I will give this book a rating of 3 out of 5. It dwells broadly on Leadership, Management and Training. Author quotes 175 verses from Arthashastra and explains the meaning and relevance to the respective field in Management. The book covers areas like business organization, strategy, decision making, finance, time management and responsibilities of a leader.   I found few chapters well written for the corporate world but others are just useful to management graduates.

Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman

It’s a brilliant book which proposes that IQ alone doesn’t determine destiny but an alternative major intelligence factor, emotional intelligence, which includes self-awareness, self-control, and empathy play a crucial role in success. The book has been written in a very simple language with lots of practical examples. Dr. Goleman says we each have two minds - the emotional and the rational. Ideally, these two minds work together. Our feelings inform the rational mind, and the rational mind refines the input of our emotions. When they team up, both emotional intelligence and intellectual ability are stronger. An emotion is an impulse to act. Impulses to fight, flee, laugh, cry, celebrate, play, or relax have been "hard-wired" into us by evolution. Sudden bursts of anger or fear may have had high survival value for our early ancestors. But these emergency responses don't always work in our high-stress modern world. A key challenge of present-day life, then, is to man