
Showing posts from November, 2011

FDI Reform in Indian Retail

Now, when 51% FDI is allowed in multi – brand retail and 100% in single brand retail, let us see the possible effects of the reform:- ·          Supply Chain Efficiency The most important impact will be on supply chain. It will bring efficiency and productivity to the farm – to – fork supply chain which will bring immense benefits   from farmers to small manufacturers and above all to consumers. ·          Investment in the back-end infrastructure like cold storage, packaging and other logistics Investment will increase in back end operations like cold storage, packaging and other logistics. These large investments in infrastructure would lead to rise in farm productivity, manufacturing, food processing and cold storage, thereby leading to cutting down of wastage. ·          Price Reduction It will create a much more efficient supply chain and prices will come down for the consumers. It will r educe considerable difference in farm gate prices, wholesale prices and retail prices. C

Customer Checklist


Nooyi's Uncertainty Principles

Human beings never know what lurks around the corner, so why are we making such a big deal of uncertainty, some may ask, said Pepsico's Chairman and CEO, Ms Indra Nooyi, as she tackled the AdAsia 2011 theme head on. She, however, felt that this time round the uncertainty that corporations were facing was far more unsettling, and the fear and risk higher than ever seen before. In this milieu of uncertainty, she had a few tips for corporations. First lesson Her first lesson to corporations was to recognise and accept that we are in a new era of uncertainty. “No longer do companies have the luxury of planning from a base of security…These days, volatility is not just the way that our normal lives are disrupted. It is our normal lives,” she said. Urging speed and agility, she said, “We need to start the next plan while the ink is still drying on the old one. We have to think in a wholly different way. Responding to change is not the same as being fickle. We need to learn a wholly new

Strategy to avoid Price Competition

1.     Product Innovation Innovation is the key to move ahead in the cluttered market. Unique products can’t be compared with other low price offerings and thus, premium can be earned out of it. 2.     New Market Exploration If competition is playing on price, it’s better to explore new markets where a good pie of the market is available even at higher price. 3.     Benchmark Pricing Understanding pricing of other players in the industry and the value being perceived by customers will give benchmark price. 4.     Product and Services Bundling When similar products are available everywhere, it’s the best service provider who wins. When customer is at ease, he doesn’t care about price. 5.     Better Packaging Developing packages that might catch the customers’ attention better can give edge over competition. Creating packages (smaller or larger) which can serve customers better or can increase their comfort zone might help to win in the market. 6.     Brand Improvement Trust and reputat