
Showing posts from March, 2011

Add analytics to blog

A.Google Analytics Code Block Login to Google Analytics at . The main Settings page loads. Click on Sign up. A form displays. Enter the URL of your site or blog. Select country and time zone. Click Finish. Analytics provides you with a code block – a swatch of HTML – to add to your site’s pages. Highlight the code block and then copy it. B. Add the Google Analytics Code Block to Blog Login to . The Dashboard loads. Under the blog you want to add Analytics tracking to, click on Layout or Template. Click on Edit HTML. An editing screen for your blog template’s HTML displays. Just scroll to the bottom. Look for the end of the template. It’ll look like: </div> </div> <!– end outer-wrapper –> Add Here </body> </html> Put cursor right before that </body> tag. Paste the Google Analytics Code Block. Click Save Changes. C. Check if it works To ensure that you have successfully added the Goo

Start the core design of your network with a picture of your product in your customer's hands... :)

Research on Customer Loyalty - Laptop Industry, India

Industry: Laptop G eography: India Age Group: 21 – 28 years Sample Size: 106 Players:     • Acer • Apple • Asus • Compaq • Dell • HP • Samsung • Sony VAIO • Toshiba          Tool used: Results: Promoters’ weight on attributes Analysis: HP – Highest Market Share but Least Customer Satisfaction Dell - Low Customer Satisfaction Apple & Asus – Highest NPS Indian consumer behavior focus Value for money Features Durability/Quality After Sales Service Live up to expectation Recommendation: HP & Dell have the highest market share but for sustainable growth in Indian market, they need to focus on customer satisfaction by Value for Money After Sales Service Live up to expectation

Nice Lessons from Ants

Came across this nice article on yahoo. The article talks about four lessons from ‘Ants Philosophy’. 1. Ants never quit. Have you noticed how ants always look for a way around an obstacle? Put your finger in an ant’s path and it will try and go around it, or over it. It will keep looking for a way out. It won’t just stand there and stare. It won’t give up and go back. We should all learn to be like that. There will always be obstacles in our lives. The challenge is to keep trying, keep looking for alternative routes to get to our goals. Winston Churchill probably paraphrased the ant’s mindset when he offered this priceless advice: “Never give up. Never, never give up!” 2. Ants think winter all summer. Remember the old story of the ant and the grasshopper? In the middle of summer, the ant was busy gathering food for the winter ahead – while the grasshopper was out having a good time. Ants know that summer - the good times – won’t last forever. Winters will come. That’s a good lesso