
Showing posts from January, 2011

Social Networking Tips

Courtesy: HBR We are all trying to figure out how to get more value from online social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Most of us are just skimming the surface in terms of the potential these networks offer us as individuals. To realize this potential, we need to become more active orchestrators of our social networks, setting the tone and drawing out others. Practices are still evolving, but here is some brief, and often contrarian, advice that comes from our decades of experience studying networks and the way people act within them: 1. Express more vulnerability. This flies in the face of much personal improvement and business school wisdom. We are taught to create "personal brands" that prominently feature our strengths and carefully hide our weaknesses. But trust requires vulnerability, so if you value trust in your social network, you might want to talk about some of the really difficult problems you are wrestling with and seek advice. 2. Mix professional and per

Larry Page to take up charge as CEO of Google replacing Eric Schimdt

Google Inc., owner of the world’s most popular search engine, named co-founder Larry Page chief executive officer, replacing Eric Schmidt, who becomes executive chairman. Mr. Schmidt has been Google's chief executive since July 2001. Now, he will focus on partnerships and government outreach. Google's other co-founder Sergey Brin will focus on strategic projects and new products. Page will take over day-to-day operations as CEO on April 4. The executive changes will “streamline decision making and create clearer lines of responsibility at the top of the company,” Google said. The news came just before Google announced earnings for its most recent quarter. At $8.44 billion, Google's fourth-quarter revenue jumped 26 percent from a year earlier. Profit climbed 29 percent to $2.54 billion.

The Maldives

1.       Introduction The Maldives, officially Republic of Maldives, is an island nation in the Indian Ocean formed by a double chain of twenty-six atolls stretching in a north-south direction off India's Lakshadweep islands, between Minicoy Island and Chagos Archipelago. It stands in the Laccadive Sea, about seven hundred kilometers (435 mi) south-west of Sri Lanka and (250 mi) south-west of India. ·          Maldives is the smallest Asian country in both population and land area. ·          With an average ground level of 1.5 m above sea level, it is the lowest country on the planet. ·          It is also the country with the lowest highest point in the world, at 2.3 m. The Maldives was long a sultanate, first under Dutch and then under British protection. It became a republic in 1968, three years after independence. President Maumoon Abdul GAYOOM dominated the islands' political scene for 30 years, elected to six successive terms by single-party referendums. Following riots

Manage to Lead: Ask Questions

As manager starts growing and moves towards leadership role, he/she needs to raise following questions to himself/herself:- Are you getting the best from your people, and from those you need but don't control? Are you fully satisfying the ever-rising expectations of your firm and its customers? Are you meeting your own expectations? How would you like to work to develop yourself? Are you good enough to achieve your own aspirations? Are you ready for increased responsibility? Three areas a manager needs to concentrate to join the league of leaders:- Manage Self Manage Network Manage Team

Marketing - Lesson 11

MANAGING INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MARKETING COMMUNICATION MIX CONSISTS OF ·          ADVERTISING ·          SALES PROMOTION ·          PUBLIC RELATIONS AND PUBLICITY ·          PERSONAL SELLING ·          DIRECT MARKETING ·          MERCHANDISING ·          EVENT SPONSORSHIP ·          PRODUCT DESIGN ·          ONLINE ADVERTISING ·          WORD OF MOUTH RECOMMENDATION There are eight steps in developing effective communications ·          Identify the target audience ·          Determine the communication objectives ·          Design the message ·          Select the communication channels ·          Establish the total communications budget ·          Decide on the communications mix ·          Measure the communication’s results ·          Manage the integrated marketing communications process Four common methods to decide the promotion budget: Affordable Method Many companies set the promotion budget at what they think the company can afford .This method completely igno