Death of a Salesman

“Death of a Salesman” is an old but a nice movie that presents the difference between success and failure within the mind. There are no heroes, no villains; just true, human characters struggling to survive. Willy is the dreamy salesman whose imagination is much larger than his sales ability, while Linda is Willy's wife who stands by her husband even in his absence of realism. She berates her sons for not helping Willy more, and supports Willy lovingly, despite the fact that Willy sometimes ignores her opinion over that of others. Biff , Willy's elder son, was a football star with lots of potential in high school but he failed in math and didn't take summer school because of what he saw in Boston on a visit to Willy. He tries to fulfill Willy's dream by trying to become a businessman but he see his happiness in farmland. There is clear conflict between what he desires and the desires his father has for him. Happy, Willy's other son, is not as pressured as Biff by ...